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Decide Better: Decision Science for Leaders

workshops provided in partnership with


the world’s most trusted CEO & executive leadership network

#DecisionScience #DecisionLeadership #Leadership #PowerofVistage

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How do you decide who to hire, when a phase-gate has been achieved, or which project to resource next? Chances are, you rely on intuition... which could otherwise be known as habits, biases, and, group-think. What if you could elevate your decision-making… to decide using information. To decide better?

This engaging workshop will immerse participants in the mindsets, frameworks, and platforms of decision science and behavioral economics.
-->MyVistage Speakers Bureau profile for Matt Brady, Entrepreneur & Educator

Engage with real examples of how leading companies are using structured Decision Science techniques, and how individuals, teams, and entire organizations can be empowered to use these techniques. Further, demonstrations of how Behavioral Economics can be incorporated to allow for qualitative aspects like post-mortems and pre-mortems.

Attendees will leave informed on these innovative uses of analytics to support decision-making, and equipped with tools and examples to see the world a little differently.

discrete decisions

deciding who to hire; selecting a vendor; planning an event

open-ended decisions

knowing when to "go" or "no go"; managing a phase-gate process

continuous decisions

prioritizing projects; assigning resources; conducting stack-ranking

What will I learn from this session?

  • Learn how to apply structured Decision Science techniques to everyday life… as an employee, entrepreneur, student, or parent!
  • Understand how and why organizations use these techniques (with examples)

What insights will I come away with?

  • Core frameworks of Weighted Value and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for a decision-maker, facilitator, or domain expert
  • Appreciate the value of reflecting, conducting post-mortems (and pre-mortems!)
4.89 / 5.00Average Score

Vistage chairs & members

book a workshop in your location, and get prepared to Decide Better